A few month ago, a story came to me after I created designs of my angels. I love this story! It's a children's story about a little girl named Jenny and her 3 rag dolls. It has some sadness, smiles and truth to my life in every sense. I hope to share it with everyone someday. I'm working on the illustrations, too, so it may be a little longer before it's done but here's a glimpse of the cover.
For months and months now I've been holding back on myself. Fear is such a real...thing! I spent years living in fear. Fear of the unknown, am I good enough, what will people think of me changing careers again, what if I'm not good enough, it just seems like too much work for one person. Those voices of questions ramble on and on and kept me stopped, unsure of a direction, hopeless. Overcoming the fear has been a roller coaster. One month I'll be on top of the world and knowing I CAN do it, who cares what they think, so what if I'm not a good as her. Then the next month...road blocks, self sabotage, responsibilities get in the way and the dreams go out the window. Then, restart button...again.
Enough of this cycle! I'm going moment by moment, day by day and checking off each bullet on my lists to move my life in the direction of my dreams...my creative dream business. Yes, I know it can be done. Others have done it. I see the vision of the Big Dream and I'm restarting the steps again and keeping it simple. As simple as simple can be for this dream.
Patience Jennifer...that's what I hear now and oh how I have learned patience over these forty years and I'm still not very good at it. But I'm learning and I continue to learn as I have to...without fear. I have social networking to learn. The do's and don'ts. I have specific marketing I need to learn more of. I have new programs to learn. Somedays it feels like too much but little by little I am learning. Besides, all we have is time on this earth...why not learn something new as often as we can and not fear the unknown.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings:)...
Love you all!
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