Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tis' the season...for different

It is coming to the end of Christmas day. This year was different for me. I admittedly felt a bit empty this holiday season. My kids were with their dad for Christmas morning. I requested Santa to come early on Christmas Eve was different. Different is good. I don't mind different. But getting used to different is hard. Last year seemed easier for some reason. I think I had so much distraction with getting ready to travel with the kids and my niece to Florida that I didn't mind the changes so much.

This year I felt as if I was missing something. I don't know what it was. My thoughts went to family and thinking a bit about the past. For so many years I tried to create "family" here with my own. Now "my family" is different. I know it's ok. I know my kids have adjusted. I know I have found someone new to discover their traditions, but it's just...different.

For just this moment I will not think too much about the past. For just this moment I will not wonder too much about the future. For just this moment I will feel grateful for Jesus and praise God for the birth of his only Son. For just this moment I will feel comfort in His arms and cherish the quiet that surrounds me this day. For just this moment I know that tomorrow will soon come...

Merry Christmas dear friends!

Much Love,